Audiologic Testing Materials

Hearing Assessment Tests

PIPB Function – Procedure and Application

PIPB Function - Procedure and Application: Patient's speech recognition performance depends on the intensity of the test materials it is called  PIPB ( Performance Intensity Phonetically Balanced) Function Test when phonemically balanced PB words are used. The study...

Most Comfortable and Uncomfortable Loudness Level Test

Most Comfortable and Uncomfortable Loudness Level Test: The Most Comfortable Loudness Level (MCL) for speech is the volume at which the patient finds listening to speech to be most comfortable, or where she generally chooses to do so. The Uncomfortable Loudness Level...

What is Pure Tone Audiometry (PTA) Test

What is Pure Tone Audiometry (PTA) Test: Pure-tone threshold audiometry is the measurement of an individual's hearing sensitivity for calibrated pure tones. Three general methods are used: Manual audiometry, also referred to as conventional audiometry; Automatic...

What is Speech Audiometry Test?

What is Speech Audiometry Test: Speech Audiometry includes Speech Awareness/Detection Thresholds (SDT/SAT), Speech Reception/Recognition Thresholds (SRT), Word Recognition Testing/Score (WRS), and sensitized speech testing (filtered, compressed, speech in noise, etc.)...

Word Recognition Scores – Procedure and Application

Word Recognition Scores - Procedure and Application: The word recognition score is the percentage of words correctly identified, when presented at a constant suprathreshold level. Word Recognition Scores aslo known as Supra-Threshold Recognition Tests (Speech...

Speech Reception Thresholds – Procedure and Application

Speech Reception Thresholds - Procedure and Application: The speech reception threshold is the minimum hearing level for speech (ANSI, 2010) at which an individual can recognize 50% of the speech material. Speech reception thresholds are achieved in each ear. The term...

Speech Detection Thresholds – Procedure and Application

Speech Detection Thresholds - Procedure and Application: The threshold for speech can mean the lowest level at which speech is either just audible or just intelligible. The lowest level at which the presence of a speech signal can be heard 50% of the time is called...

Test Materials for Speech Audiometry

Different Types of Stimuli used in Speech Audiometry

Different Types of Stimuli used in Speech Audiometry: Speech Audiometry is a auditory assessment using different types of speech stimuli. In Speech Audiometry for measuring threshold two different types of tests speech detection threshold (SDT) and speech recognition...

Vestibular Assessment Tests

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