
Ballism is an extreme form of chorea in which the limbs are flung wildly about by the involuntary movements. (The word ballism comes from the same root as ballistic.) Reference: Introduction to Neurogenic Communication Disorders (Eighth Edition) – Robert H....

Basal ganglia

Basal ganglia is several nuclei in the diencephalon, near the thalamus. They are responsible for regulation of major muscle groups that make postural adjustments and compensate for inertial forces during movement. Depending on who is writing about them, the basal...

Basilar artery

Basilar artery is an artery that connects the two vertebral arteries to the posterior part of the circle of Willis. It progresses upward on the front surface of the pons and supplies blood to the pons. Reference: Introduction to Neurogenic Communication Disorders...

Bell’s palsy

Bell’s palsy Ipsilateral paralysis of lower facial muscles caused by compression of the facial nerve (CN 7). Reference: Introduction to Neurogenic Communication Disorders (Eighth Edition) – Robert H. Brookshire [Book Pg. No. 451]

Binswanger’s disease

Binswanger’s disease is a rare disease caused by multiple infarcts in subcortical white matter. Reference: Introduction to Neurogenic Communication Disorders (Eighth Edition) – Robert H. Brookshire [Book Pg. No. 451]