Introduction to Speech Disorders: Speech is how we say sounds and words. People with speech problems may: not say sounds clearly have a hoarse or raspy voice repeat sounds or pause when speaking, called stuttering Speech Disorder: An Impairment of the speech sounds,...
What is Hearing Loss and its type?: Hearing, or auditory perception, is the ability to perceive sounds through an organ, such as an ear, by detecting vibrations as periodic changes in the pressure of a surrounding medium. Hearing Loss A person who is not able to hear...
Hearing Aid (HA) and its Components: Hearing aids are devices that boost sound levels so the patient can hear them. This process is called amplification. Most simply, a hearing aid amplifies sounds just like a megaphone, except the amplified sound is directed right...
What is Rehabilitation and Habilitation?: Audiologic, or hearing, rehabilitation helps people with hearing loss. Rehabilitation, or rehab for short, helps people relearn skills that they have lost. If an older child or adult loses her hearing, rehab can help her learn...
Pure Tone Audiogram: Symbols | Configuration | Interpretation: A person’s hearing capacity is depicted graphically on an audiogram. The most common time it occurs is during an audiometric test, which is carried out by an audiologist or hearing specialist. The...