Biopsy is removal of a sample of tissue for laboratory analysis. Reference: Introduction to Neurogenic Communication Disorders (Eighth Edition) – Robert H. Brookshire [Book Pg. No. 451] by BASLPCOURSE.COM
Calcarine fissure is a deep groove in the occipital lobe of each hemisphere. It is important because the visual cortex is adjacent to it. Reference: Introduction to Neurogenic Communication Disorders (Eighth Edition) – Robert H. Brookshire [Book Pg. No.... by BASLPCOURSE.COM
Caloric testing is diagnostic test in which cold or warm water is introduced into the external auditory canal. Patients with vestibular pathology respond with characteristic patterns of nystagmus. Reference: Introduction to Neurogenic Communication Disorders (Eighth... by BASLPCOURSE.COM
Capgras syndrome is the belief that friends, family, or acquaintances have been abducted and replaced by imposters. Reference: Introduction to Neurogenic Communication Disorders (Eighth Edition) – Robert H. Brookshire [Book Pg. No. 451] by BASLPCOURSE.COM
Carotid arteries There are two external carotid arteries and two internal carotid arteries. The external carotid arteries supply blood to the face. The internal carotid arteries supply blood to the brain via the circle of Willis. Reference: Introduction to Neurogenic...