Speech as an Overlaid Function: According to Sapir, 1921 physiologically, speech is an overlaid function, or to be more precise, a group of overlaid functions. It gets what service it can out of organs and functions, nervous and muscular, that have come into being and...
Prerequisites for Normal Speech and Language Development: The following skills and capacities are essential for individuals . In order to achieve normal speech and language development. One must have brain , nervous system that is neuromotor abilities, functional...
The Speech Chain Model: The process of speech communication involves a series of actions connecting the speaker’s and the listener’s brains. This series of occurrences will be referred to as the speech chain. The different forms in which a spoken message...
Issues related to Bilingualism and Multilingualism: When we consider Bilingualism or Multilingualism in language development or the probable condition that bi/multilingualism may confuse the child leading to delay in language learning. One of the biggest concerns that...
Up-Down and Staircase Procedure of Estimating Minimum Audible Levels: It is more formal threshold determination strategy in which the threshold is approached from below in 5 dB steps. This involves two tactics Whenever the patient does not hear the tone (–), we...