Who are Audiologists and What do they do?

Who are Audiologists and What do they do?

Who are Audiologists, and What do they do?: Audiologists are health care professionals. They are trained to evaluate hearing loss, hearing disorder, and related problems including balance disorders, management of auditory and balance system. Audiologist is a certified...
What is Speech Language Pathology?

What is Speech Language Pathology?

What is Speech Language Pathology?: Communication is a fundamental aspect of human interaction, and when it’s impaired, it can significantly impact an individual’s quality of life. Speech Language Pathology (SLP) is a field dedicated to helping people...
Threshold Levels and Suprathreshold levels

Threshold Levels and Suprathreshold levels

Threshold Levels and Suprathreshold levels: In the term of hearing, Threshold is the weakest stimulus that an organism can detect and Suprathreshold refers to speech presented above the Threshold of the listener. Auditory Threshold: The term threshold in general means...