What is Hearing Loss and its type?

What is Hearing Loss and its type?

What is Hearing Loss and its type?: Hearing, or auditory perception, is the ability to perceive sounds through an organ, such as an ear, by detecting vibrations as periodic changes in the pressure of a surrounding medium. Hearing Loss A person who is not able to hear...
Concept of Phonetically and Phonemically Balanced

Concept of Phonetically and Phonemically Balanced

Concept of Phonetically and Phonemically Balanced: Phonetically and Phonemically balanced words are use in specific lists, which are used in measuring the speech detection thresholds and speech reception threshold. Phonetically and Phonemically balanced words both are...
Response Format for Speech Audiometry

Response Format for Speech Audiometry

Response Format for Speech Audiometry: An open-set format means the patient must respond without any prior knowledge of what the possible alternatives might be, whereas a closed-set format means the patient is provided with a choice of several possible response...
Hearing Aid (HA) and its Components

Hearing Aid (HA) and its Components

Hearing Aid (HA) and its Components: Hearing aids are devices that boost sound levels so the patient can hear them. This process is called amplification. Most simply, a hearing aid amplifies sounds just like a megaphone, except the amplified sound is directed right...