What is Rehabilitation and Habilitation?

What is Rehabilitation and Habilitation?

What is Rehabilitation and Habilitation?: People with hearing loss benefit from auditory therapy, often known as hearing rehabilitation. People who have lost abilities can regain them with the aid of rehabilitation, or rehab for short. Rehab can help an older child or...
Who are Audiologists and What do they do?

Who are Audiologists and What do they do?

Who are Audiologists, and What do they do?: Audiologists are health care professionals. They are trained to evaluate hearing loss, hearing disorder, and related problems including balance disorders, management of auditory and balance system. Audiologist is a certified...
What is Pure Tone Audiometry (PTA) Test

What is Pure Tone Audiometry (PTA) Test

What is Pure Tone Audiometry (PTA) Test: Pure-tone threshold audiometry is the measurement of an individual’s hearing sensitivity for calibrated pure tones. Three general methods are used: Manual audiometry, also referred to as conventional audiometry; Automatic...
What is Speech Audiometry Test?

What is Speech Audiometry Test?

What is Speech Audiometry Test: Speech Audiometry includes Speech Awareness/Detection Thresholds (SDT/SAT), Speech Reception/Recognition Thresholds (SRT), Word Recognition Testing/Score (WRS), and sensitized speech testing (filtered, compressed, speech in noise, etc.)...