BASLP 2nd Semester Notes » Paper 1: Neurology
Unit 2: Neural organization of Speech and Hearing processes
- Neurosensory organization of speech and hearing
- Central auditory nervous system
- Anatomy of oral sensation and oral sensory receptors
- Neuromotor control of speech
- The pyramidal, extra-pyramidal system, basal ganglia and cerebellar system
- Lower and upper motor neuron
- Alpha and gamma motor neurons
- Sensory and motor examination, oral, peripheral and other reflexes
- Swallowing mechanism and neural control
- Screening and bedside neurological examination
How to do an Oral Mechanism Exam
How to do an Oral Mechanism Exam: The Oral Mechanism Exam, often referred to as the Oral Peripheral Mechanism Examination (OPME), is a comprehensive assessment conducted by speech-language pathologists, dentists, and other healthcare professionals. It aims to evaluate...
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