BASLP 3rd Semester Notes  » Paper 1: Voice and its Disorders

Unit 1: Basic Concepts in Voice and its Production

  • Definition and functions of voice – biological and non-biological
  • Parameters of voice
  • Structures and function of respiratory system for the purpose of phonation
  • Laryngeal anatomy – Structural support of larynx, muscles, vocal fold microstructure, blood supply, and innervations
  • Vocal tract resonance and voice quality
  • Development of voice: Birth to senescence; structural and voice related changes
  • Aerodynamic myo-elastic theory of voice production
  • Voice mechanics – Physiologic, acoustic and aerodynamic correlates of voice
  • Pitch and loudness changing mechanism, voice registers and voice quality
  • Description of normal and abnormal voice: Parametric, pathologic/perceptual, social

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