BASLP 4th Semester Notes  » Paper 1: Motor Speech Disorders in Children

Unit 2: Assessment of Motor Speech Disorders in Children

  • Case history and developmental neurological evaluation – primitive postural and oropharyngeal reflexes, cranial nerve examination
  • Assessment of oral sensory and motor capacity – Oral peripheral mechanism examination, neuro- muscular status
  • Assessment of speech sub-systems – quantitative and qualitative
  • Assessment of speech intelligibility and comprehensibility
  • Assessment of associated problem
  • Speech assessment with specific reference to childhood apraxia of speech – Phonetic and phonemic inventory, phonotactics and syllable sequencing, variability of errors, speech intelligibility, fluency and prosody
  • Test materials – checklist for childhood apraxia of speech, screening test for developmental apraxia of speech
  • Protocols for non-verbal and verbal praxis specific to Indian languages
  • Differential diagnosis- dysarthria and other developmental disorders
  • Differential diagnosis – childhood apraxia of speech and other developmental disorders
How to do an Oral Mechanism Exam

How to do an Oral Mechanism Exam

How to do an Oral Mechanism Exam: The Oral Mechanism Exam, often referred to as the Oral Peripheral Mechanism Examination (OPME), is a comprehensive assessment conducted by speech-language pathologists, dentists, and other healthcare professionals. It aims to evaluate...

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